Në datat 30 dhe 31 Maj 2022 u mbajt trajnim për menaxhim me projekte, në fokus VISEGRAD fondet, nën organizimin e Horizont Civitas dhe Strategic Analysis SK…………..

На датумите 30 и 31 Мај во Скопје се одржа дводневна работилница за Проект менаџмент и како фокус беа Вишеград фондовите.Посебна благодарност до тимот на Хорозонт Цивитас и Strategic Analysis SK како организатори на настанот………..

On May 30-31, in cooperation with the Horizon Civitas , Strategic Analysis SK organized the activity within the project NGOs / CSOs Skills Enhancement in the Western Balkans and Moldova, supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The training took place in Skopje, the North Macedonia capital. The training was focused on providing participants with knowledge about Topic Management, Project Management, Financial Management, People and event management, Advocacy strategies and Stakeholder mapping. Also, the training equipped participants with the skills that are essential for the CSO or NGO work. All the participants received confirmation of participation after the training.


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